The . Cinelums



The cinelums have been around 16 years as cineastes, but our path and our style were defined just 10 years ago. We are lovers of natural moments with the couples, of music of all kinds, and above all of meeting people with our same vibe and our unique taste for visuals and art.

This great passion which we do not call work has given us the fortune of being able to film in places like France México USA Colombia…Our work has been awarded over the years by brands and platforms such as: Zank you (Wedding magazine and portal in Mexico) Melissa Lara brides (Wedding magazine and blog in Mexico) Lovestories.TV

Where we’ve a finalist as a Filmmaker since 2021 Best international video 2021 Best Weddingfilmmaker 2022 Best Cinematography 2023 Frida enamorada For two consecutive years (2021-2022) As one of the best wedding videographers in Mexico Ambassador of brands such as: DJI (World leader in unmanned aerial vehicles for aerial photography and videography) Narrative (Professional Photography Software) SONY (Multinational company, the most important electronics manufacturer in the world)

We make videos for artists and events of international magnitude such as: Sebastián Yatra, documenting the start of the tour for Dharma Tour 2022 Paris Fashion Week with the Narciza Severa brand in Paris, France, 2022.

We were fortunate to be speakers at conferences such as •Boda F •Light lovers •Sony Alpha universe •BeHere Project •Sony Masterclass photographers •Film it! •Hablemos de foto All of these in Mexico And judges in the following congresses •Inspiration Photographers (Worldwide photo and video professionals online platform community) •Unionwep (Spain)